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  • Himalayan Salt vs Celtic Salt

    Quite often we are asked the difference between Himalayan Salt and Celtic Salt as Celtic Salt has become quite the trend on Social Media Platforms...
  • Why Line 17 Gourmet Seasoned Salts make great Xmas Gifts...

    Giving Gourmet Seasoned Salts as a Xmas is a thoughtful and unique idea... They add a burst of flavour to a wide range of dishes. By gifting these...
  • Why our line 17 Grinders are so good...

    Line 17 Grinders not only contain the very freshest & tastiest of contents but they are extremely easy to use...
  • Himalayan Salt vs Table Salt

  • Wholesale Customers

    A superb 'Add on' product for your business offering Great Value and Profit Margin creating a unique Point of Difference. Call us now to discuss how to get our Line 17 Gourmet Seasoned Salts onto your shelves.
  • Getting the Best out of your Line 17 Gourmet Seasoned Salt

    Getting the Best out of your Line 17 Gourmet Seasoned Salt  How do I store my Seasoned Salt? * Keep out of Sunlight * Keep away from moisture &am...